Friday, September 13, 2019

Explain the issues in natural disasters and humanitarian emergencies Coursework

Explain the issues in natural disasters and humanitarian emergencies that China faces and propose solutions that you feel may be - Coursework Example Again, Chinese regulations require their buildings to be earthquake-resistant. However, the collapses of schools, hospitals, and factories during natural disasters raise questions about the country’s enforcement of building codes (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, n.d.). The Ministry of Science and Technology of China has established a few monitoring and early warning systems around Mount Ailao in southwest China’s Yunnan Province, the southeast China’s Fujian Province and the reservoir region of the Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River. However, these structural systems are not sufficient given the vast topography of the country (Xinhua, 2011). In order to address these issues, the government of China needs to invest considerably towards the expansion of the public health system to provide shelter, potable water, food, medical care and sanitation. Secondly, the country can work in collaboration with international agencies to develop and impl ement frameworks for disaster response, risk assessment, evacuation measures and public education. Finally, the government also needs to ensure that building codes and policies are implemented within their country.

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